Archive for July 2, 2012

Turn 149 – Some turns are just boring   2 comments





I’ve serve research to 50%; I’m not sure I’ll have enough gold left to run 100% next turn, but I shouldn’t need to. 90% followed by two turns of break even (basically one turn just below break even, one turn above) are enough to get Feudalism.



This market, at breakeven, is worth about 16 gold over the two turns, or about 5% of the slider on a given turn.



The worker on the forest startyed a road for the workers due out of BL to help farm.



Catapult #4 🙂



A court house, could be slaved for 4 pop but the trade off is about 3gpt saved in costs, 2ept from the court house and 9cpt lost from coastal tiles. Maybe later.



If I need to work the plains hill mine and take a small food loss so be it.



OTOH, this city might be worth slaving for the court house. Work the plains hill for 4 turns, then slave for 3 pop and regrow to size 5 the turn after and work nothing but coast.



More catapults 🙂



Size 9 would be the aim here, but two of those tiles are a going to be worked by PRNGG in the next 20 turns, but it’s worth getting the two cottages worked before then for growth. With a lack of reasonable tiles to work, I might have to build a light house and work coast.



Slaving the catapult next turn to gain 1 food and 1 commerce. The spare farm is available for PRNGG and will be handed over in the next 10 turns. I want to get the jungle hill mined and the lakeside jungle, but that wille take a while, with the workers needed for the war against azza.



It will take 5 turns to grow even with the extra farm. I don’t think I’ll work the farm until size 6, I don’t want to delay the court house and the gold that will save.



I’m going to slave this next turn, I think.



Definitely need a longbow in this city.



Every unimproved riverside flatland will farmed, the rest can be cottaged. Will grow onto windmills before working plains cottages.



Definitely slaving away the lake on T151, but will not be able to get another slave out of the city.



One Academy, 3 libraries, 3 monasteries, the Great Library versus one market and a shrine. Beaker skew in action.

Crop yield is increasing again, but that is because Nazul are working hills and the hammers are going through the forges.

Posted July 2, 2012 by Krill in RBPB5