Turn 73   Leave a comment

So with the posting of this turn report, I’m up to date for the first time in about 3 weeks. Sorry about that. There are two videos in this report, The first is a quick play through of the turn, the second is analysis (or better phrased, how I fucked up the turn).

The play through is pretty quick, doesn’t explain why I did stuff just what I did. Really, nothing much new from my neighbours so just carry on as planned.

Here I explain why I made mistakes from playing too fast. And there are a few…

scouting scooter

The Hamlet is pillaged away for more gold and now I go to meet scooter.

scouting Pindicator

Rather than meeting Pin this turn, I moved to pillage a cottage. I’ll try to meet Pin on T74, pillaging then moving 7 onto the grass forest that is adjacent to his borders. Then go and pillage some of the free tile improvements some more, as the gold will let me get to Calendar a bit sooner.


I slaved GtR this turn. I realized that I’d made a mistake, and I ought to give over the pigs to RYD to let that city grow. So I slaved the library this turn, and I can finish a settler eot T77 with the overflow. As there is no barracks in the city, nor do I really need more military at the moment either, the settler seems the wisest choice although a worker would not really be bad. I just don’t feel the drastic need for more workers, I feel that I can manage three new cities with just 6 workers at present as I have enough worker improvements down (or will have by the time I have the new cities, anyway).


After the spear finishes, build a settler and slave it for 1 pop. The food box will be at 28/30, so dropping one pop size will let the city grow the same turn the settler completes. Then probably get a granary and then back to military. There will also be a bit of overflow form the granary to help speed it up a bit, so it should be complete before the food box is too full.


I slaved the spear in RYD to get enough overflow to finish a 3 turn granary. I will make 37 hammers into a granary next turn, making 3fpt. The granary completes 61/60 eot T76 with 12 food saved. I have to work the sugar this turn because otherwise I would lose hammers due to overflow (the city will finish the spear at 69/35, hammers over 70 would be lost). Slaving the spear now also starts the whip unhappiness earlier, than if I slaved the granary to finish it. Whilst it would be nicer to carry on working a grass hill for a bit longer, I think that starting whip unhappy cool down sooner is a good choice.


AC finishes the chariot and then onto a settler, making 16hpt and 1fpt for one turn, and then swapping onto the two new hill mines when they complete T75 to just about eke out a 5 turn settler, finished eot T78.


I gave the sheep up for a turn. I can work it for two turns to get to 23/24 food and then slave away the pop point to complete a granary; unfortunately the granary will complete without the food box being half full, it doesn’t really matter though. The sheep either puts food into a settler (and I’m IMP, I don’t want that) or it means that SBA can regrow to size 2 immediately so it can carry on working the sheep to help speed up growth to size 4, the library whip and the whole eta of the GS.


Posted October 10, 2013 by Krill in RBPB15

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