Turn 91   Leave a comment

Free religion spread!

So, slaving AIC one turn earlier didn’t exactly back fire, but it isn’t that important. The free religion spread means that the borders will pop eot T95. Changing some of the micro means that I can finish a road onto the gold eot T93, and the fort of the plains hill will be delayed until T95. This does not delay the whale boat though, as I can move the work boat to the tile 1S of SBA on T94, then into DND on T95, and then hook the whales on T96. There will be 2 free workers on T95, so the gold can be hooked T97. Hooking the cow is difficult to do efficiently though.


Full southern sentry net in place. That last question mark isn’t relevant as a sentry against a player, only against barbs, but I have enough units there to happily farm the XP.


novice is now improving his ivory with an armed guard. I’m pleased to have delayed him slightly, because novice has to be forced to slow down otherwise he’ll just micro away to win the game. I retreated because there is not point in holding a forest against that.


First religion spread to my cities, 3 extant religions at present. Sorry Commodore 😦


Posted October 28, 2013 by Krill in RBPB15

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